Monday, December 28, 2009

Life Is One Big Competition

Whether you like it or not, you're always going to be competing. Life is one big rat race And we're all trying to reach the "Big Cheese". Someone is always going to try to be better than you or try to get something before you do. It sucks but it's life. And even if you don't think you're competing, YOU ARE. Someone's going to take your success as a threat and try to upstage you. Psh. But hey, I guess all I can say to that is never let other get in the way of your success. Never let someone get to you because then they own you and that's not good. That's why I hate indirect Facebook statuses people make about each other. How old are we ? You have a problem with someone but you won't let them know. Instead, you make your status about them HOPING they will figure it out. Not cool. You obviously let something they did get to you. They own you. Don't say you don't care because you do. If you didn't, you wouldn't have made the status. You would continue your life. So lets end this on a good note, BE ALL YOU CAN BE! Don't let anyone stop you. Love yourself.

Xoxo, Tyra Crash.
P.S. I'm aware the topic kinda switched, lmao

1 comment:

  1. Instead, you make your status about them HOPING they will figure it out.

    Thanks for the quick early morning laugh. I passed on Facebook yet I do know the sentiment you express. I know it very well. And I agree that it's not cool trying to 'talk' over someone's head.
